Your one-stop

Information Storage Management Provider

Document Storage

Organize Racking system

Document Retrieval

Rapid and accurate retrieval

Document Destruction

Confidential and secured

Media Rotation

Temperature control media room

Scanning & Imaging

Efficient and well-managed document


Built in Trust

Our featured services

Storing boxes can be done by anyone, but your relationship with a document management vendor is important.

DataSafe Records Management Private Limited
12 Tanjong Penjuru Crescent Singapore 608975
Tel: (65) 6872-2112 Fax: (65) 6872-2002
Business and GST Reg No.: 1996-02595-Z

+65 6872-2112
+65 6872-2002
let’s do this

For enquiries and suggestions, please fill out the form below.

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